difference about english and italian food?
2008-03-16 13:12:45 UTC
difference about english and italian food?
Quattro risposte:
2008-03-16 13:29:41 UTC
Italian food is lighter,more various,healtier,and (in my opinion,after tasting both of them) even tastier. Unfortunately England has too much food genetically modified,vegetables and fruits looks all the same,you can't find a bigger or a smaller cucumber,tomatoes taste less than italians (or greek or spanish) ones. In England people don't eat beef as much as pork or lamb,and these two kind of meat ar fattier than beef. English breakfast is (still from my point of view) unhealthy. Two eggs,ribs of bacon,and beans every morning are not good at all for your liver. Italian breakfast is a mug of coffee with milk and a bunch of biscuits,or a croissant,or a yogurt with a fruit juice.

I live in England,and I have to admit one of those few things I miss from my country...yes,is italian food! I can resist to the weather,but the food is hard to stay far from!


ps Rocket sei patetico a farci vedere le foto della tua ex. Lei adesso si sta facendo qualcun altro,mentre te sei davanti al pc a creare siti con sue immagini. Se ti becca e ti denuncia alla polizia postale posso solo godere.
2008-03-16 13:16:44 UTC
english food is full of onions....i hate it!!!!!! Italian food is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy yourself!
2008-03-16 13:17:22 UTC
il cibo italiano è molto più equilibrato..... comprende tutto dalle verdure alla carne.... la famosa dieta mediterranea... il cibo inglese è famso per essere junk... ovvero molto pesante o cmq nn sano....
2008-03-16 13:16:24 UTC italy is mainly made of cakes and biscuit,while in England is made of meat,cheese etc etc..

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